Thoughtfactory: Leica poetics

Leica, film, snaps, chronicles, cliches

form in chaos

The  well known fragment  123 of Heraclitus reads: "Nature loves to hide itself'.

The Australian bush can be quite messy, dense  and chaotic  and  quite  difficult to walk in and  to photograph. Often there are no pathways through the thicket  and you have to go around it.

The photo above is an attempt  to  evoke, or disclose,   the  presence  of  the tangled and chaotic Waitpinga bushland of the southern Fleurieu Peninsula in South Australia.  What is disclosed is the emergence of an entity in the natural world into presence -- into a space of unconcealment-- from what has been concealed. This presence is not stable as it is constantly moving or undergoing change over time.   

  Heraclitus is a philosopher of flux. Things slip from possessing one characteristic over into possessing the opposite one. Or the same objects or “natures” can be viewed as having opposing characteristics when observed from different perspectives.The  ature of a being is nature is relational and shifting with its interplay of  concealment and unconcealment.